This is my personal blog, where I rant, rave, complain, and exclaim about everything that no one asked my opinion of.
I mostly post about software development, of the frontend web variety in particular, but I will talk about anything I am interested in. This ranges from programming languages, to game design, to hot takes about the latest JavaScript framework.
Be social! Reach out to send your thoughts, feedback, praise, and (well-reasoned) rants.
HTML Whitespace is Broken
- A deep dive into HTML whitespace collapsing: How it works, why it sucks, how it should work, and how to deal with it.
How a Cat Debugged Stable Diffusion
- The story of how Stable Diffusion caused my computer to emit an awful squealing sound, and how my cat solved it.
HTML Fragments Routing
- Let's build a router by fetching each route as an HTML fragment!
Leaving Twitter
- The current state of Twitter and how I'm responding to it.
Streamable HTML Fragments
- HTML fragments part 2: Streaming tweets. Search the far corners of web standards to learn how we can *stream* HTML fragments directly into the DOM.
Impressions of Rust
- Some thoughts and meditations on Rust. What it does well, what it can do better, and what we can learn from its design.
A Simpler HTML-over-the-Wire
- Is it possible to build an HTML-over-the-wire application with only native web technologies? See how far can we go with zero custom tooling, and how the web specification can change to support it.
Construct Better
- Can programming languages design better constructors? Let us explore modern constructor design, its flaws, and some potential improvements.